Anushka Sharma, the popular Bollywood actress, was spotted supporting her husband, cricketer Virat Kohli, during the New Year Test match in Sydney. She joined Kohli’s brother, Vikas, in the stands, cheering enthusiastically for the Indian team.
The match, held at the Sydney Cricket Ground, drew significant attention as fans eagerly watched Kohli’s performance. Anushka’s presence added to the excitement, as she is known for her unwavering support for Kohli both on and off the field.
As the game progressed, the atmosphere in the stadium was electric, with fans rallying behind their players. Anushka and Vikas were seen sharing moments of joy and anticipation, showcasing the strong family bond that supports Kohli’s cricketing journey.
This event highlights the blend of sports and celebrity culture, where fans not only cheer for their teams but also celebrate the personal lives of athletes. Anushka’s appearance at the match further emphasizes the importance of family support in the world of sports.