In a delightful birthday celebration, Bollywood actor Riteish Deshmukh, who is famously married to Genelia Deshmukh, turned 45 today. The couple, known for their captivating chemistry, recently reminisced about a playful incident where Riteish’s ego took a humorous hit when he was dubbed as ‘Genelia’s husband’ during a cricket league.
During a lighthearted exchange on The Kapil Sharma Show, Riteish shared the amusing episode, recounting how members of the South squad casually referred to him as ‘Genelia’s husband.’ Taking it in stride, Riteish cleverly pointed out the regional variations, claiming the title differed from Maharashtra to states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka, depending on Genelia’s regional movie popularity.
Despite this playful banter, Riteish and Genelia are renowned for their affectionate public displays of love, often showcased on social media. Riteish, in a heartfelt post, expressed gratitude for having Genelia by his side, acknowledging the shared joys and challenges in their journey.
The couple’s love story began on the sets of their debut film, ‘Tujhe Meri Kasam,’ and after nine years of dating, they tied the knot in 2012. Riteish and Genelia, with their enduring bond, continue to set relationship goals for many admirers. Proud parents to two sons, Riaan and Rahyl, their most recent collaborative venture was the 2022 Marathi film ‘Ved.’
In other star-studded news, Fardeen Khan shared heartwarming pictures of his daughter on her 10th birthday, adding a touch of sweetness to the glam world’s latest updates.