In an exciting revelation for fans, Tamil actor Dhanush announced his third directorial project by sharing a concept poster on Friday. The poster, posted on Dhanush’s official Twitter account, showcased a serene beach setting with a bench overlooking the vast blue sea. Notably, two crescent moons creatively formed the alphabets ‘DD’ (representing Dhanush’s Directorial), and the release date was prominently displayed at the bottom.
Accompanying the poster, Dhanush’s tweet included the hashtag #DD3, indicating the third installment of his directorial ventures. Dhanush, renowned for his versatile acting in the Tamil film industry, has an impressive filmography of over 44 movies and has garnered widespread acclaim for his contributions to the entertainment sector.
The actor, famous for his roles in hit Tamil films such as ‘Why This Kolaveri Di’ from ‘3’, ‘Maryan’, ‘Anegan’, ‘Kodi’, and the ‘Maari’ sequel, made his Bollywood debut with ‘Raanjhanaa’. Additionally, Nagarjuna Akkineni has joined the cast of Dhanush’s upcoming film, tentatively titled ‘D51’, with the announcement coinciding with Nagarjuna’s birthday. Directed by Sekhar Kammula, the movie is said to be mounted on a grand scale and will feature Rashmika Mandanna in a pivotal role.
Dhanush’s foray into direction has heightened anticipation among fans, and the collaboration with Nagarjuna and Rashmika Mandanna promises an exciting cinematic experience.