In a groundbreaking development, the 1928 version of Mickey Mouse has officially entered the public domain, and independent horror producers are wasting no time seizing the opportunity. Director Steven LaMorte is set to helm an untitled horror-comedy inspired by Mickey’s cartoon debut, where a malevolent mouse will unleash torment upon unsuspecting ferry passengers, as reported by Variety. Production for this chilling adaptation is slated to commence in the upcoming spring.
LaMorte, known for his previous work on ‘The Mean One,’ a horror parody of the Grinch, expressed his excitement for the project, stating, “Steamboat Willie has brought joy to generations, but beneath that cheerful exterior lies a potential for pure, unhinged terror. It’s a project I’ve been dreaming of, and I can’t wait to unleash this twisted take on this beloved character to the world.”
Variety notes that LaMorte, in an interview, emphasized the filmmakers’ love for these iconic characters, likening the creative process to being “kids in the sandbox” who relish the opportunity to explore and reimagine beloved figures. He clarified that the intention is not to exploit or diminish the characters but to honor them by presenting them in a new and innovative light.
With Disney’s copyright to ‘Steamboat Willie’ expiring recently, along with the rights to the original versions of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, the entertainment giant still retains copyrights for the later, more recognizable iterations of these beloved characters.
Despite the expiration of certain copyrights, Disney has asserted its commitment to defending trademarks associated with its brand. The company has indicated a willingness to pursue legal action against any perceived endorsement or affiliation that may compromise its intellectual property rights. As the entertainment landscape evolves with this historic development, the industry and audiences alike await the unveiling of this uniquely dark interpretation of the cherished Mickey Mouse character.