Tollywood actors Gaurav Chakrabarty and Ridhima Ghosh joyously unveiled their son, Dheer, to the public eye during his rice ceremony, marking a significant milestone in the six-month-old’s life. The couple, known for their roles in Bengali cinema, took to social media to share glimpses of the ceremony, held on March 13th, just ahead of Dheer’s half-year mark.
Following a traditional Bengali theme, Dheer was adorned in a white and red panjabi and dhuti, exuding charm in the classic Babu style. Renowned Kolkata-based fashion designer Abhisek Roy crafted the ensemble, having previously designed attire for Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan and his sons for festive occasions. Gaurav and Ridhima complemented their son’s attire, with Gaurav matching Dheer in white from head to toe, while Ridhima dazzled in a red saree with a white blouse, reminiscent of a quintessential Bengali bouma.
The couple had shared the news of Ridhima’s pregnancy on Poila Boishakh, the Bengali New Year, last year, setting a joyous tone for their journey into parenthood. Throughout Ridhima’s pregnancy, the couple offered glimpses into their journey via social media, culminating in the arrival of their first child, Dheer, in September. While they had initially refrained from sharing images of their newborn, the rice ceremony provided the perfect occasion to introduce Dheer to their admirers and fans, marking a heartwarming moment for the family.