In a recent turn of events, the acclaimed film ‘Paruthiveeran,’ which marked the acting debut of star Karthi and recently celebrated its 25th film milestone, is making headlines for a heated exchange between its original producer, KE Gnanavelraja, and director Ameer.
The controversy centers around conflicting claims regarding the film’s production. According to reports, KE Gnanavelraja initially produced ‘Paruthiveeran,’ and it was released under his banner. However, Ameer has now asserted that he took over the film’s production midway when the production costs exceeded estimates.
The confirmation of this dispute emerged through the ‘Paruthiveeran’ censor certificate, which has become a viral sensation on social media. The certificate reportedly supports Ameer’s statement, garnering increased support from fans.
The rift deepened as Ameer, in a recent YouTube video, disclosed his ongoing disagreement with KE Gnanavelraja, placing blame on him for strained relations with actors Karthi and Suriya. In response, KE Gnanavelraja accused Ameer, and their public exchanges have added fuel to the controversy.
The conflict appears rooted in the film’s production, with KE Gnanavelraja leaving the project to Ameer due to exceeding production costs. Despite Ameer’s efforts to shoulder the film’s responsibility and ensure a smooth release, KE Gnanavelraja later reclaimed the film and released it under his banner, allegedly after financial matters were settled by popular actor Suriya, who is Karthi’s brother.
The ongoing feud between director Ameer and producer KE Gnanavelraja has now become a topic of intense speculation within the film industry, leaving fans and onlookers eagerly awaiting further developments in this unfolding saga.