When asked about Salman Khan’s involvement in the film A6 , the director gave a discreet confirmation and kept his response brief. He mentioned, “I’m definitely going to surprise everyone with the casting. What you’re thinking, yes, that’s true.”
“But there’s going to be an even bigger surprise. I’m not being boastful, but this will be one of the proudest films for our country. We seek everyone’s blessings, so please pray for us. The casting is almost finalized and will be wrapped up in a few weeks. Expect a major announcement soon”, he continued.
The film will be produced by Sun Pictures and is set to be filmed over the course of one year, beginning in the Summer of 2025.
It is expected to be Salman Khan’s major release for the big screen in 2026, with an official announcement anticipated next year, along with the release of proper promotional material. Details about the film remain confidential for the time being.