Charan Kaur, the mother of the late Punjabi rapper-singer Sidhu Moose Wala, is reportedly expecting her second child through IVF in her late 50s, less than two years after the tragic assassination of her firstborn. The family, led by Moose Wala’s uncle Chamkaur Singh, confirmed the news amid increasing inquiries.
Despite Charan Kaur not being seen in public for over three months, sources close to the family assured that the 58-year-old expectant mother is in good health under constant medical supervision.
Initially unavailable for comment, Sidhu Moose Wala’s father, Balkaur Singh, retired from a state government job last year and has been actively pursuing justice for his son’s killers. Today, he took to his social media handle to respond to the rumors, urging people not to believe in unfounded speculations. Balkaur Singh emphasized that the family would share any news directly when the time is right. Expressing gratitude for the concern from Sidhu’s fans, he requested everyone not to trust ongoing rumors about the family, assuring that authentic information would be shared directly with well-wishers.
Amidst the pregnancy rumors, the fight for justice for Sidhu Moose Wala continues unabated. Both his family and fans remain steadfast in their pursuit, indicating that peace will not be found until justice is served.