In the latest box office update, Mammootty’s horror drama, ‘Bramayugam,’ continues to maintain its strong performance, amassing over Rs 29 crore within 16 days of its release in Kerala. According to reports from the Sacnilk website, the film collected Rs 62 lakhs on day 15, contributing to a total second-week collection of Rs 8.12 crores.
Notably, ‘Bramayugam’ has not only resonated with the local audience in Kerala but has also garnered success beyond the state borders. The film has accumulated Rs 25.82 crore from other Indian states, reaching an impressive worldwide collection of Rs 55.5 crore. Overseas, Mammootty’s film has performed well, with international collections amounting to Rs 25 crores. The India gross collections for ‘Bramayugam’ have reached Rs 30.5 crore.
Directed by Rahul Sadasivan, ‘Bramayugam’ marks the third directorial venture for the promising filmmaker. Sadasivan’s previous works include the Narain starrer ‘Red Rain’ and the well-received ‘Bhoothakaalam,’ featuring Shane Nigam and Revathi in lead roles.
Meanwhile, Mammootty, enjoying a streak of successes, has fans eagerly anticipating his upcoming film, ‘Turbo,’ adding to the actor’s prolific career in the film industry.