In the latest development from the Indian film industry, the collaboration between Nivin Pauly and Dijo Jose Antony, “Malayalee from India,” has encountered a hurdle at the box office. Despite an initial promising start, the movie has managed to collect only Rs 46 lakhs over a six-day period.
According to reports from the Sacnilk website, the film, which initially garnered an impressive Rs 7.50 crore net in its first five days, has seen a slight increase, with total Indian collections now reaching Rs 7.96 crore.
On Monday, May 6, 2024, the movie secured a 15.63% Malayalam occupancy, with varying attendance across different show timings. Morning shows recorded an 8.45% turnout, followed by afternoon shows at 16.86%, evening shows at 15.88%, and night shows leading with 21.31% attendance.
While Nivin Pauly’s performance has received praise from audiences, overall reviews remain mixed. However, amidst the release buzz, the film has been embroiled in controversy, with writer Nishad Koya alleging plagiarism against “Malayalee from India.”
Directed by Dijo Jose Antony and written by Sharis Mohammed, the drama features a stellar cast including Nivin Pauly, Dhyan Sreenivasan, Deepak Jethi, and Anaswara Rajan. Contributing to the narrative is Jakes Bejoy with his captivating musical compositions.