In a dazzling celebration of love, actor Nagabhushana and his wife, Pooja, played gracious hosts at a wedding reception in Mysuru. The star-studded event drew in a glamorous crowd from the film fraternity, friends, and family, all gathering to commemorate the couple’s recent union.
Draped in a playful flamingo pink kurta, Nagabhushana exuded charm, while Pooja complemented the ensemble with a stunning red saree adorned with chic choker jewelry. The guest list boasted renowned personalities, including the groom’s best friend and best man, Dhananjaya, along with actors Darling Krishna, Jaggesh, Komal, Ninasam Satish, Yogi, Praveen Tej, Naveen Shankar, Rakksh, and leading actresses Amruta Iyengar, Nidhi Subbaiah, and Sanjana Anand.
Adding to the glittering affair were esteemed directors Shashank and Pannagabharana, who graced the event with their presence. The red carpet also witnessed the entrance of actors Prem and Rangana Raghu, hand-in-hand with their family members, adding a touch of familial warmth to the star-studded celebration.