Chiyaan Vikram, the acclaimed South Indian actor known for his versatility, is set to star in the upcoming film ‘Thangalaan,’ which is scheduled for a pan-Indian release on August 15. The promotional campaign for this period drama has gained momentum, with the film’s team recently hosting a grand pre-release event in Hyderabad on August 4. During the event, Vikram’s spontaneous dance performance, prompted by a young fan, captured significant attention on social media. Welcomed to the stage by the young girl, Vikram danced briefly to the ‘War’ song from ‘Thangalaan,’ delighting fans and receiving widespread praise for his generous and heartfelt gesture.
In his speech at the event, Vikram promised that ‘Thangalaan’ would be a unique cinematic experience, filled with adventure, magic, and emotional depth. He chose to keep the details under wraps until the film’s official release but expressed his excitement to share the film’s first-day-first-show (FDFS) with the audience. Vikram’s entrance at the Hyderabad event, dressed in a tailored white suit, added an air of elegance to the occasion.
The audio launch for ‘Thangalaan,’ featuring music composed by GV Prakash Kumar, is scheduled to take place in Chennai today, August 5, with plans for a lavish unveiling of the soundtrack.