In a recent development surrounding the 2007 Tamil film ‘Paruthiveeran,’ which marked the debut of actor Karthi and garnered immense success, a public disagreement has emerged between producer KE Gnanavelraja and director Ameer. The discord escalated when Gnanavelraja made disparaging remarks about Ameer, leading to a significant controversy that saw various filmmakers rallying in support of the director and condemning the producer’s comments. Subsequently, in response to the widespread criticism, Gnanavelraja has offered a clarification and extended an apology to Ameer.
The official statement released on behalf of KE Gnanavelraja acknowledges that the ‘Paruthiveeran’ issue has persisted for the past 17 years. Despite this prolonged duration, the producer had not previously addressed the matter publicly. The statement emphasizes Gnanavelraja’s enduring closeness to Ameer’s family, referring to the director as “Ameer Anna” from the outset. The producer asserts that Ameer’s recent interviews, wherein he made allegedly false accusations against Gnanavelraja, prompted the controversial statement. Gnanavelraja expresses regret if his choice of words in responding to the director was hurtful.
The conflict between the producer and director dates back to the time of ‘Paruthiveeran,’ with reports suggesting that Ameer took funds from various sources to complete the film after the producer declined to continue financing the project. This clash during the film’s production has evidently persisted for 17 years, resurfacing in the public domain due to recent statements and reactions from both parties involved.