Bollywood actress Neelam Kothari Soni, known for her recent appearance in the web series “Made in Heaven,” shares insights into her enduring fitness regimen and her journey in the entertainment industry.
Speaking in a recent interview, the actress emphasized her commitment to fitness throughout her career, whether during her active years in film or now, as a mother and entrepreneur. Soni revealed that she maintains a disciplined lifestyle, adhering to a strict routine of early mornings for workouts, regardless of her professional engagements.
Regarding her dietary habits, Soni prefers light meals on most days but indulges in snacks like nuts and dry fruits. She admits to enjoying cheat days, relishing dishes like biryani, croissants, and burgers.
Reflecting on her recent foray into OTT projects, Soni expressed openness to new formats, citing her unexpected return to the screen with the reality show “Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives.” She acknowledged the shift from traditional film roles to the intimate portrayal of her personal life on an online platform.
As she embraces her 50s, Soni describes life as calmer and expresses contentment with her current phase. Her remarks highlight a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction with her personal and professional journey.