Eric Bana, renowned for his portrayal of Bruce Banner in the original 2003 Hulk movie, recently engaged in discussions regarding the prospect of reprising his role in a multiverse-themed film similar to Spider-Man: No Way Home.
When questioned about the likelihood of joining forces with Edward Norton and Mark Ruffalo’s renditions of Bruce Banner in a multiverse movie, Bana expressed skepticism. Despite still maintaining the physique suited for the role, Bana playfully alluded to the potential use of CGI and humorously mentioned the prospect of employing steroids to achieve the desired appearance.
The 2003 Hulk movie, directed by Ang Lee, marked Bana’s debut as Bruce Banner, the character undergoing a transformative green-skinned metamorphosis when provoked. Despite initial plans for a sequel, the project failed to materialize, leading to a reboot featuring Edward Norton in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk. Norton’s portrayal was subsequently succeeded by Mark Ruffalo in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).
While speculation abounds regarding a potential solo Hulk film featuring Ruffalo, no official confirmation has been forthcoming. The cinematic journey of the Hulk character has witnessed multiple actors embodying the role, each contributing to the character’s evolution within the MCU.
Hulk, in addition to Bana, starred Sam Elliott, Jennifer Connelly, and Nick Nolte, with cameo appearances from Stan Lee and original Incredible Hulk actor Lou Ferrigno. Despite the absence of a sequel to Bana’s Hulk, the character has endured various cinematic interpretations, mirroring the intricate struggle of Bruce Banner with his alter ego.
In the midst of ongoing discussions about multiverse narratives captivating audiences, Bana’s perspective offers insights into the challenges and uncertainties surrounding the potential resurgence of past iterations of iconic characters in contemporary cinematic universes.