In a significant development for the much-anticipated film ‘Gangs of Sukumara Kurup,’ the shooting has successfully concluded, marking a milestone for debutant Rushin Shaji Kailas, son of renowned filmmaker Shaji Kailas. Directed by Shebi Chowghat, the project commenced its journey on January 31 and has been generating buzz for both its promising lead actor and its intriguing title and narrative.
Renowned filmmaker Shaji Kailas took to social media to unveil the title poster, introducing his son to the cinematic world. The caption of the post read, “Introducing Rushin Shaji Kailas. Here is the title poster of ‘Gangs of Sukumarakkuruppu’ directed by Shebi Chowghat.”
As production wraps up, anticipation builds around Rushin Shaji Kailas’ debut performance and the captivating storyline crafted by the talented team. The film, blending the experience of veteran filmmakers with the fresh talent of the next generation, promises to be a noteworthy addition to Malayalam cinema. There is also speculation among movie buffs about potential connections between ‘Gangs of Sukumara Kurup’ and Dulquer Salmaan’s super hit film ‘Kurup.’
Scripted by V. R. Balagopal, the film boasts a talented crew with Rajeesh Raman as the cinematographer and Abhilash Balachandran as the editor. Mejo Joseph is entrusted with the musical composition, and Harinarayanan is credited with the lyrics for ‘Gangs of Sukumara Kurup.’