Pakistani actress Mahira Khan, known for her role in the film ‘Raees,’ recently shared a childhood picture on her birthday, expressing gratitude to her inner child. The throwback image showcases a young Mahira in a frock. In a heartfelt Instagram post, she apologized for not caring for her inner child sooner, acknowledging its courage, dreams, and resilience.
Reflecting on her childhood dreams and belief in love, Mahira vowed to take better care of her inner child. She thanked herself for the strength, imagination, and faith in the universe she possessed as a child. The actress encouraged her younger self to dance in front of the mirror and celebrate their shared birthday.
In another Instagram post, Mahira revealed her recent marriage to Salim Karim, her long-time boyfriend. This marks her second marriage, having been previously married to Ali Askari in 2007. The couple had a son in 2009 before separating in 2015. Mahira expressed gratitude for the support she received from her fans, acknowledging the significant moments of her life, including becoming a mother and an actor.
Sharing a picture with her 10-year-old son, Mahira reminisced about the transformative decade of her life, filled with experiences, losses, success, and love. She thanked her supporters, pledging to pay it forward and expressing overwhelming gratitude for the birthday wishes.
Turning 35, Mahira remains grateful for the journey and the people who stood by her. On the work front, she has been a prominent figure in Pakistani cinema, starring in films such as ‘Bol,’ ‘Bin Roye,’ and ‘Manto.’ Her notable television series includes ‘Humsafar’ alongside Fawad Khan. She gained international recognition for her role opposite Shah Rukh Khan in the Bollywood film ‘Raees’ in 2017.