In a much-anticipated cinematic event, Mohammed Burmawala’s directorial venture, ‘Lagna Kallol,’ starring the talented trio Siddharth Jadhav, Mayuri Deshmukh, and Bhushan Pradhan, is generating significant buzz on social media. The film’s motion poster, unveiled by Siddharth Jadhav on his Instagram handle, has now revealed the eagerly awaited release date of March 1, 2024.
The social media post showcases Jadhav’s excitement about the new film, leaving fans eagerly anticipating the romantic comedy-drama. While the motion poster hints at the film’s genre, eager fans will have to patiently await the release of the trailer for more insights into the storyline.
Mayuri Deshmukh, one of the lead actors, recently shared a glimpse from the film set, featuring Bhushan Pradhan in a character reveal. The intriguing video captures Bhushan initially with his back to the audience, later turning to face the camera, providing a sneak peek into his role in the movie. Deshmukh’s caption added an element of mystery, promising the revelation of the second hero soon.
The ensemble cast of ‘Lagna Kallol’ includes Priya Berde, Vidya Karanjikar, Amita Kulkarni, Supriya Karnik, Bharat Ganeshpure, and Aishwarya Deepali Aher in pivotal roles, further elevating the anticipation surrounding the film. As fans eagerly await the March 1, 2024, release, the film promises to deliver a delightful blend of romance and comedy on the big screen.