In a devastating turn of events, the beloved Tamil actor and politician, Vijayakanth, breathed his last on the morning of December 28, sending shockwaves through the Kollywood community. Grieving fans and celebrities were given the opportunity to pay their respects to the late icon, as his mortal remains were laid in state from the afternoon of December 28 until the evening of the following day.
The final journey of Vijayakanth commenced from Island Grounds in Chennai at 4 PM on December 29, with a garland-decorated van transporting his mortal remains to the actor’s party office in Koyambedu. Along the 20-kilometer route, fans and the public bid a poignant farewell, singing a mournful hymn that echoed their sorrow.
Despite the outpouring of emotions, entry to the actor’s party office, the designated cremation location, was restricted for fans and the public. With the solemn presence of family members, cinema stars, politicians, police, and government officials, Vijayakanth’s mortal remains were cremated with state honors, marking the end of an era in Tamil cinema.
At 71, the legendary actor, born on August 25, 1952, in Madurai, transcended his non-cinematic background to become a prominent figure in the Tamil film industry. Vijayakanth’s cinematic legacy was marked by a commitment to addressing social issues through his films. His remarkable journey extended beyond the silver screen, as he seamlessly transitioned into a successful politician, earning admiration for his dedication to equality and his benevolent spirit even towards adversaries.
In the wake of his passing, Tamil cinema and politics mourn the loss of a multifaceted personality who will be remembered as an inspiration for his significant contributions to both realms. Vijayakanth’s departure leaves an indelible void, and his legacy as Captain Vijayakanth lives on in the hearts of those he touched with his cinematic and political endeavors.