Renowned filmmaker Sameer Vidwans, recognized for directing notable films such as ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’ and ‘Anandi Gopal,’ recently celebrated his engagement to assistant director Juilee Sonalkar in a private ceremony. The couple, elegantly dressed in coordinated golden-white attire, were surrounded by close friends and family during the intimate event. Esteemed personalities including Chinmay Mandlekar and Hemant Dhome also graced the occasion.
Commenting on the low-key affair, Sameer mentioned, “Juilee and I are extremely private people and preferred a simple ceremony. We didn’t have any elaborate rituals; we just exchanged rings.” He added, “After two years together, we felt it was the right time to take our relationship to the next level.”
The couple’s journey began on the set of Sameer’s Marathi directorial, ‘Mala Kahich Problem Nahi’ (2017), where they started as colleagues but evolved into great friends. “We are happy that we found love in each other,” shared Sameer, who mentioned that the wedding date is yet to be finalized.