In a surprising turn of events during the audio launch of the film Japan, the absence of director Ameer, who introduced actor Karthi in the iconic Paruthiveeran, raised eyebrows. The notable exclusion was explained by Ameer himself, revealing that he had not received a personal invitation due to an ongoing legal case against Paruthiveeran’s producer KE Gnanavel Raja, Karthi, Suriya (Karthi’s brother), and their father Sivakumar. The legal battle revolves around the settlement of dues related to Ameer’s work on the film.
Responding to queries, Ameer clarified that he had filed the case against the mentioned individuals over unpaid dues for his contributions to Paruthiveeran. In a counterattack, Gnanavel accused Ameer of being difficult to work with and fabricating expenses.
In a surprising turn, several directors came forward in support of Ameer, discrediting Gnanavel’s allegations. Director Sasikumar revealed that he had financially assisted Ameer in completing the film’s final schedule. Samuthirakani, another contributor to the film, stated that Ameer successfully wrapped up the project by borrowing money from 50-60 individuals. Directors Ponvannan and Karu Palanippan, along with the film’s lyricist Snekan and producer Ganesh, who previously collaborated with Ameer, voiced their solidarity.
Veteran filmmaker Bharathirajaa condemned Gnanavel’s accusatory stance and urged him to issue an apology, emphasizing the need to amicably resolve the dispute.
The controversy also implicated Sudha Kongara, director of Soorarai Pottru, who became a target of trolls after Gnanavel claimed she criticized Ameer’s Raam. Sudha responded, highlighting the inspiration drawn from Paruthiveeran’s female lead character Muthazhugu in creating Madhi, a character in her film Irudhi Suttru.
Despite the ongoing controversy, Ameer is set to feature in Suriya’s upcoming film, Vaadivaasal. In a statement from Vetri Maaran’s production house, it was revealed that Ameer’s role has gained prominence during the scriptwriting process, emphasizing his irreplaceable contribution to the film.