In a significant cinematic venture, the eagerly awaited Prithviraj Sukumaran-starrer ‘Aadujeevitham’ is scheduled to grace the silver screens on April 10. The film, a brainchild of director Blessy, has encountered formidable challenges, particularly in the face of the global pandemic. The remarkable journey of the film’s crew, overcoming adversities akin to the protagonist Najeeb, has proven to be a triumph.
In a recently unveiled video by the ‘Aadujeevitham’ team, Prithviraj Sukumaran delves into the profound impact of his rigorous weight loss on the film’s narrative. Shedding approximately 30 kilograms for a dramatic on-screen transformation, Prithviraj acknowledges the daunting task faced by director Blessy. “The biggest pressure Blessy sir had was my 8-month transformation; we had to make use of it. My physical transformation should not go to waste, and that was the biggest concern,” reveals the actor.
Reflecting on the challenges posed by the pandemic, Prithviraj recounts being stranded in Austria due to the sudden declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic. The 75-member team, comprising both Indian and Jordanian crews, found themselves in quarantine. Recognizing the emotional toll on the team, Prithviraj and Blessy decided to address concerns collectively every few days during meals.
Director Blessy shares insights into the filming process, admitting that there were moments when they contemplated postponing the shoot due to the pandemic. However, the commitment of Prithviraj Sukumaran, who had undergone a remarkable weight loss of almost 30 kilograms for his role, became a driving force to persevere.
Adapted from Benyamin’s novel ‘Aadujeevitham,’ the film is eagerly anticipated by fans and is poised for release in April. To gain deeper insights into the challenges faced by the team, viewers are encouraged to watch the revealing video shared by Prithviraj Sukumaran on his official Twitter handle.