Priyanka Chopra took to Instagram to share a series of pictures from her Christmas celebration with her beau Nick Jonas, their daughter Malti Marie, and their pets. The holiday season is officially here, and no one celebrates it better than our very own Desi Girl. Yes, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have kicked off the festivities at their home with love and a grand feast. The actress recently took to her social media to share a series of pictures with her husband, their daughter Malti Marie, and their pets.
In the first picture, Priyanka Chopra sits next to her husband, Nick Jonas, as they pose for a romantic photo. The duo looks adorable, and we can’t take our eyes off them. Dressed in a red outfit, Chopra looks stunning, while Jonas, in a black suit, exudes charm and dapper style. PeeCee captioned the post, “Home.”
In the next three pictures, the Bluff actress shared a paw-adorable glimpse of her furry friends indulging in the celebrations and posing for pictures. In one picture, little Malti Marie is seen holding a bat and getting into a sporty mood.
In another picture, Malti Marie enjoys playtime with her toys, while in the following one, she is seen savoring her food. Finally, in the last picture, Nick Jonas becomes the muse for his wife as he poses wearing a playful snowman headband—and we just can’t get enough of it!”
On December 16, 2024, Priyanka and Nick also attended a festive Christmas dinner hosted by their friend Morgan Stewart McGraw.
Morgan showed her followers the celebration through her Instagram Stories, sharing a photo where Priyanka and Nick posed alongside her and her husband, Jordan McGraw.
Priyanka looked radiant in a white dress paired with red heels and hoop earrings. She completed her look with flawless makeup and soft curls cascading down her shoulders.
Just a few days earlier, Priyanka and Nick graced the fourth edition of the prestigious Red Sea International Film Festival (RSIFF) held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The 42-year-old actress also shared highlights from the event on her Instagram.
On the professional front, Priyanka will return for the second season of Citadel and also has Bluff and Heads of State in the pipeline.