In a poignant tribute, renowned actor Rajkummar Rao, celebrated for his roles in notable projects like Ludo, Guns & Gulaabs, Badhai Do, and The White Tiger, marked the eighth anniversary of his mother’s passing. Rao, who received the heartbreaking news while filming ‘Newton,’ expressed his emotions on Instagram, where he shared a rare wedding picture, blowing a kiss to his late mother’s framed photograph.
Accompanying the heartfelt image, Rajkummar penned, “You will always be the best mother in this world, Maa. I know your blessings are always with me. Miss you every day. I love you forever,” along with two red heart emoticons.
The post garnered solidarity and support from Rajkummar’s industry peers, including Hansal Mehta, Mukesh Chhabra, Samiksha Pednekar, and Rasika Duggal, who expressed their condolences with heart and folded hands emoticons.
On the professional front, Rajkummar Rao is set to grace the screen in Karan Johar’s ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi,’ alongside Janhvi Kapoor. Directed by Sharan Sharma, the filmmaker behind ‘Gunjan Saxena – The Kargil Girl,’ the film is scheduled for release on April 9. Additionally, Rao will take on the lead role in the upcoming biopic ‘SRI,’ portraying the inspiring journey of Srikanth Bholla, an industrious individual who overcame visual impairment to establish Bollant Industries.