In a heartwarming tale of love transcending boundaries, Anchor Ravi, a spirited lad from Mylargadda, and Nitya Saxena, a studious belle hailing from North India, unexpectedly crossed paths during their college years at JBIT Engineering College in 2003. Despite their initial disparate career aspirations, their journey together took an unforeseen turn that led to a lifelong bond.
Sharing her recollections, Nitya disclosed, “I wanted to be a doctor and despised computers, but I ended up in computer science following friends. It turned out to be the best detour because that’s where I met him.” Ravi, with a reminiscent chuckle, added, “Engineering wasn’t even on my radar – cricket, dance, maybe the army. But life had other plans.” The couple expressed a shared belief that their union was fated.
Reflecting on the evolution of their relationship, Nitya remarked, “Initially, he appeared carefree in our first college year. Yet, by the second, I witnessed a different side – his respect for women, his devotion to family. Those qualities drew me to him. Over time, our friendship blossomed into love.”
As their college days concluded, Ravi found himself falling deeper for Nitya. “When she was leaving for a job transfer after being selected, it felt like my soul was leaving my body. That’s when I realized she was the one,” shared Ravi. Describing his feelings, he added, “I needed to meet Nitya every day and talk to her. She instilled in me the confidence to achieve anything in life. I completely fell for her.”
The turning point led to their parents getting involved, and the couple tied the knot in 2012. Recollecting their cherished memories, Ravi shared, “Necklace Road, IMAX, Banjara Hills, and various eateries in Hyderguda were our favorite hangout spots. We also cherished our long drives around the city’s outskirts. Hyderabad has been our companion. From Charminar’s grandeur to Golconda’s whispers, we’ve chased every sunset and savored every chai, witnessing Hyderabad growing as our love did.”
This enchanting love saga is a testament to the unexpected twists that life can take, bringing two individuals together against the odds.