In a heartwarming reflection, actor Rishab Shetty celebrated the fifth anniversary of his 2019 crime comedy film ‘Bell Bottom,’ expressing gratitude to viewers and critics for its box office success. Taking to his official Instagram account, Shetty shared a vibrant poster of the film and penned an emotional note, acknowledging the film’s reception and thanking everyone involved in its success.
“Today marks five years since the day I stepped onto the silver screen as Detective Divakar in ‘Bell Bottom.’ Grateful for the appreciation the film received and for everyone who made it a milestone in my cinematic journey, I extend my heartfelt thanks once again,” wrote Shetty in his Instagram post.
The actor reminisced about the journey since he first appeared as Detective Divakaran and thanked the audience for embracing the thrilling ride of ‘Bell Bottom.’ He also tagged key individuals associated with the film, including director Jayatheertha and co-star Hariprriya, expressing gratitude for their contributions.
‘Bell Bottom’ is notable as Rishab Shetty’s debut lead role in Kannada cinema. Directed by Jayatheertha, the film featured a stellar cast, including Hariprriya, Achyuth Kumar, Yogaraj Bhat, and Pramod Shetty. The crime comedy achieved a significant milestone by completing a successful 100-day run in theaters since its release on February 15, 2019.
Looking ahead, Rishab Shetty is gearing up for the prequel of his 2022 blockbuster hit film, ‘Kantara: A Legend,’ titled ‘Kantara A Legend – Chapter 1.’ The actor’s continuous success in the industry reflects his dedication and talent, making him a prominent figure in Kannada cinema.