In a recent development surrounding the Telugu film ‘Gaanja Shankar,’ the project has found itself entangled in controversy due to its title. The Narcotics Bureau has issued an official notice to the film’s crew, citing concerns that the movie may be glorifying illegal activities. The objection raised has led to rumors that the film is now shelved, particularly after a directive was issued to remove the word “Gaanja” from the title.
In response to these speculations, actor Sai Dharam Tej addressed the situation, stating that while numerous news platforms are aware of the projects he is involved in, he himself lacks information on such matters. Tej revealed that he discovered the alleged shelving of ‘Gaanja Shankar’ only through media reports and clarified that his team has not received any communication from the TANB (Telangana Narcotics Bureau).
The actor emphasized his lack of knowledge about the film being shelved and urged the media to inform him if they possess confirmed information on the matter.
Directed by Sampath Nandi, ‘Gaanja Shankar’ features Sai Dharam Tej and Pooja Hegde in lead roles. The movie’s teaser, released a couple of months ago, sparked controversy as it depicted the actor engaging in smoking and substance use. Responding to these scenes, the Narcotics Bureau issued a request to the filmmakers, urging them not to promote drug usage in the movie.