Renowned actor Sanjay Dutt has garnered praise from the team behind the upcoming Kannada period drama KD, as he showcased remarkable dedication by filming continuously for 42 nights. The actor, currently in Mysuru for the shoot directed by Prem, concluded his lengthiest schedule to date. Sources reveal that Dutt’s commitment to the project is unprecedented, with him seamlessly embracing the demanding night schedule without any grievances. His patience and cooperation on set have been commended, highlighting his seamless immersion into the role.
The source shared, “Dutt sir shot continuously for 42 nights without any complaints. This is a record of sorts. It was a complete night schedule, and he was extremely cooperative. He was very patient on the sets and has taken to the role like how fish takes to water. He completed his schedule on Wednesday and he will be back in Bengaluru during the last week of February for the final schedule.”
The film, featuring a blend of Bollywood and Kannada film industry actors, is on track to conclude production by the end of March. Alongside Sanjay Dutt, Shilpa Shetty and Nora Fatehi are part of the star-studded cast, with Dhruva Sarjaa in the lead role. The film promises an exciting cinematic experience with its mix of talent and is eagerly anticipated by fans.