In a star-studded affair, Bollywood actor Sara Ali Khan, accompanied by her father Saif Ali Khan and brother Ibrahim Ali Khan, graced the pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. The gala event, spanning three days in Jamnagar, kicked off with a spectacular drone show and featured a performance by pop sensation Rihanna on the first day.
Sara took to Instagram to share glimpses of her glamorous appearance on Day 1, donning an elegant all-black ensemble with an off-shoulder top and matching pants. Her brother Ibrahim opted for a dashing all-white suit. The trio was captured in a family moment with Saif Ali Khan, who looked sharp in a black stripe suit. Notably, Saif’s wife Kareena Kapoor and their children Taimur and Jeh also graced the occasion.
The grand celebration drew a multitude of celebrities from various fields, including Bollywood stars Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Akshay Kumar, as well as sports personalities MS Dhoni, Rohit Sharma, and Sachin Tendulkar.
Nita Ambani, the founder and chairperson of Reliance Foundation and mother of the groom Anant Ambani, spoke about the significance of the pre-wedding function. Expressing her passion for arts and culture, she highlighted the importance of celebrating roots, particularly in Jamnagar, Gujarat, where the Ambani family has a profound connection. Nita Ambani reminisced about the family’s journey in transforming the area into a thriving community, emphasizing the special place it holds in their hearts.