In a recent development, the shooting for the upcoming film ‘Otha Votu Muthaiya,’ featuring renowned comedian Goundamani and directed by Sai Rajagopal, has successfully concluded. Sai Rajagopal, known for his previous works such as ‘Sundari Neeyum Sundaran Naanaum’ and ‘Kicha Vayasu 16,’ helms the project.
The movie, set to be a blend of comedy, family drama, and political satire, stars Goundamani in the role of a politician and elder brother determined to arrange marriages for his three sisters, each to a different brother. Adding to the interesting ensemble, Yogi Babu will be seen in a significant role.
A noteworthy aspect of the film is the inclusion of Gajesh (grandson of Nagesh), Anbu Mayilsamy (son of Mayilsamy), and Vasan Karthik (son of Singamuthu) portraying the suitors for Goundamani’s sisters, essayed by Saidhanyaa, GV Aparna, and Bindu.
The supporting cast boasts names like Mottai Rajendran, Thambi Ramaiah, Marimuthu, Singamuthu, and Sathish. With a planned release scheduled for the summer holidays, ‘Otha Votu Muthaiya’ promises to be an entertaining cinematic experience for audiences.