In an eagerly anticipated development, the upcoming horror thriller “7G,” directed by Haroon and featuring Sonia Agarwal and Smruthi Venkat in lead roles, has unveiled its captivating motion poster as it gears up for an impending release.
Promising a spine-chilling experience with an emotional undercurrent, the film delves into the realms of black magic and other intriguing elements. Sonia Agarwal takes on the role of a single mother, with her character unfolding through flashback sequences.
Adding to the film’s allure, accomplished music composer and actor Siddharth Vipin assume a significant on-screen role, in addition to crafting the musical score for the production. The technical crew boasts Kannaa handling cinematography duties and Biju V Don Bosco taking charge of editing.
As the anticipation builds, audiences await the cinematic journey promised by “7G,” poised to deliver a gripping blend of horror and emotion.