Renowned Kannada film industry icon Kichcha Sudeepa, known for his close connection with fans, is currently immersed in his upcoming film, ‘Max,’ directed by Vijay Karthikeyan. Anticipation surrounds ‘Max,’ prompting fans to consistently reach out to Sudeepa on social media for updates, occasionally injecting humor about his participation in projects like Bigg Boss and the Celebrity Cricket League (CCL).
In response, Sudeepa took to his social platforms to address the fans. In a post, he stated, “It’s a crazy flow of tweets on updates. Updates aren’t given to compete with other films or actors. Updates will come when the team has something concrete to announce. I appreciate the love from all of you, but sarcasm over updates or BB\CCL isn’t the way to show interest towards a film. #Max is shaping well and is our top priority to entertain you in the best possible way.”
Acknowledging the flood of update requests, Sudeepa clarified that the timing of ‘Max’ updates is not about competition but about sharing substantial information when ready. He stressed the intention behind updates is to provide meaningful developments ready for public presentation.
Expressing gratitude for the unwavering fan support, Sudeepa gently criticized sarcastic attitudes toward ‘Max’ updates and his involvement in other projects. He highlighted that sarcasm isn’t the most positive way to express enthusiasm for a movie.
In conclusion, Sudeepa reassured fans that ‘Max’ is progressing well and remains a top priority for the team, dedicated to delivering entertainment in the best way possible.