In a groundbreaking development, the highly anticipated docu-series on Partha De, famously known as “The Skeleton Man,” has been released to the public. Dubbed “Robinson Street Horror Story: Myth vs Reality,” the series has been generating significant buzz since the unveiling of its trailer.
Partha De, who gained infamy in 2015 for his chilling saga, captured the attention of the nation when authorities discovered the remains of his sister and two pet dogs in their ancestral Robinson Street residence. The shocking revelation shed light on De’s mysterious life, presenting a narrative that continues to intrigue audiences.
Directed by Kamaleswar Mukherjee, the series offers a compelling blend of reality and narrative reconstruction, delving into the complexities of De’s existence. Through evocative visuals and gripping storytelling, the series provides a glimpse into the eerie atmosphere of De’s apartment and the tragic events that transpired within its walls.
With meticulous attention to detail, the series explores various aspects of De’s life, spanning from his childhood to his professional career as a software engineer. Mukherjee expressed his intention to not only share a story but to engage audiences with thought-provoking narratives.
The release of “Robinson Street Horror Story: Myth vs Reality” marks a significant moment in the realm of documentary filmmaking, offering viewers an unprecedented look into the enigmatic life of Partha De.