Renowned actor Chiyaan Vikram, in collaboration with director Pa Ranjith, has concluded the filming of the period thriller drama titled ‘Thangalaan’ several months ago. Initially slated for a Pongal 2024 release, the film faced delays in post-production, prompting a shift to January 26. However, the revised date also proved unfeasible, leading to further adjustments.
The latest report indicates that the new release date for ‘Thangalaan’ is expected to be announced on Pongal, with a tentative rescheduling to Summer 2024. This decision is aimed at allowing additional time for the extensive VFX work required for the film. The specific weekend targeted for the release remains undisclosed.
An intriguing aspect to watch out for is the potential clash with other films at the box office during ‘Thangalaan’s’ release. The film’s creators are contemplating participation in multiple film festivals, intending to premiere the Chiyaan Vikram starrer at these events before its theatrical launch.
Directed by Pa Ranjith, ‘Thangalaan’ unfolds its narrative against the backdrop of the 1870s to the 1940s, portraying the evolution of KGF fields. The cast includes notable names such as Malavika Mohanan, Parvathy Thiruvothu, Pasupathy, Daniel Caltagirone, Harikrishnan, Muthu Kumar, and Preeti Karan. A significant portion of the cast has completed dubbing for their respective roles. GV Prakash Kumar is responsible for the musical score, with the film’s first single set to be unveiled in the near future.