The much-anticipated Telugu film ‘Mangalvaaram,’ directed by Ajay Bhupathi, made its theatrical debut today, promising audiences a gripping psychological horror thriller set against the intriguing backdrop of the 1980s and 1990s. The star-studded cast, featuring Payal Rajput, Nandita Shweta, Divya Pillai, Ajmal, Ravindra Vijay, Ajay Ghosh, and Chaitanya, has already garnered attention for their impactful performances.
The narrative unfolds as the plot revolves around mysterious murder cases in a village, adding an element of suspense that has captivated the audience’s interest.
As cinephiles flocked to theaters for the film’s premiere, early reviews flooded social media platforms with overwhelmingly positive responses. Viewers lauded Ajay Bhupathi for his directorial prowess, hailing ‘Mangalvaaram’ as a cinematic masterpiece.
The film’s release in multiple languages, including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam, has contributed to its widespread acclaim. Twitter users, such as @Trend_AA_FC, @storeels, @Sreenivas0428, @Babugadu009, and @sandeepkishore_, have expressed their admiration for the thriller, praising its suspenseful narrative and the stellar performances by the cast.
A notable mention goes to Payal Rajput, who has received critical acclaim for her comeback to Telugu cinema, further enhancing the film’s appeal.
As ‘Mangalvaaram’ continues to captivate audiences across different regions, the positive reviews suggest that the film is poised for success at the box office.