The Netflix series ‘Modern Masters: SS Rajamouli’ recently premiered, featuring the acclaimed director SS Rajamouli and his actors Prabhas, Ram Charan, Jr NTR, and music composer MM Keeravani. The docu-series also included insights from Hollywood directors discussing Rajamouli’s works. Among the highlights was unseen behind-the-scenes footage from the sets of ‘RRR’ featuring Ram Charan, likely a deleted scene from the film. The video shows Ram Charan dressed in a pink shirt with suspenders, tossing a whip while on a wagon. This new footage has thrilled fans, as ‘RRR’ remains a blockbuster, holding the record as the highest-grossing Indian film ever. The film premiered on Netflix and became a global sensation.
Ram Charan is currently awaiting the release of his film ‘Game Changer,’ directed by Shankar and starring Kiara Advani and SJ Suryah. The film is scheduled for release in September. Following this, Ram Charan will star in ‘RC 16’ directed by Buchi Babu Sana, with a cast that includes Vijay Sethupathi, Shiva Rajkumar, and Janhvi Kapoor.
SS Rajamouli, after the success of ‘RRR,’ is busy with pre-production work for the tentatively titled ‘SSMB 29,’ featuring Mahesh Babu in the lead role. The announcement regarding the cast and crew of the film is awaited, and the project is likely to begin filming in 2025.