Varun Dhawan and Keerthy Suresh star in Nain Matakka, a vibrant song from Baby John. The film portrays Dhawan as a heroic police officer. Baby John lead star Varun Dhawan has shared the teaser for his film’s next song, Nain Matakka. The song also stars Tamil actor Keerthy Suresh in a fresh Bollywood avatar.
The song is sung by ‘singer of the season’ Diljit Dosanjh and shows Varun and Keerthy try out some intense, energetic moves… but the result is not always so impressive. Keerthy’s moves look a little stiff compared to Varun, and the distant camera angles make the end product look awkward.
Varun’s fan are hopeful for a good song. “Another banger loading,” wrote a fan. “Omgggg!!!! This looks so good,” read another comment. “This is gonna be a blockbuster,” commented another. This song teaser creates the hypes in social media.