In Sean Durkin’s latest biographical sports drama, “The Iron Claw,” Zac Efron takes on the role of wrestler Kevin Von Erich, exploring the tragic history of the Von Erich family. Released in the US on December 23, the film, made on a $15 million budget, has exceeded expectations, grossing over $35 million at the box office and garnering consideration for an Oscar nomination. Efron shares the screen with Jeremy Allen White, Harris Dickinson, and Stanley Simmons, and the movie has just hit theaters nationwide.
In an exclusive interview with ETimes, the cast of the sports drama revealed their favorite wrestling finishing moves. Jeremy Allen White, the recent Emmy winner for his role in “The Bear,” expressed his admiration for the Von Erichs, citing Kerry (his character in the film) and Ric Flair during that era as his favorites. Stanley Simmons, on the other hand, highlighted John Cena’s Attitude Adjustment and Randy Orton’s RKO as standout moves, describing them as cultural phenomena.
When it comes to Zac Efron’s choice, he aligns with John Cena, praising the wrestling icon, stating, “I think I will also go with John Cena; he’s great. I love John Cena.” The ensemble’s diverse wrestling preferences add an interesting layer to their portrayal of the sport in “The Iron Claw,” creating a dynamic narrative that captivates audiences.