Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty has found herself embroiled in controversy following her recent pilgrimage to the Vaishno Devi temple in Jammu and Kashmir. Accompanied by her mother Sunanda Shetty and sister Shamita Shetty, Shilpa’s visit to the revered temple ignited a storm of criticism on social media platforms. The backlash intensified after she shared a video of her horseback ride to the mountaintop for darshan at the temple.
Critics have accused Shilpa of animal cruelty, questioning the necessity of her rigorous fitness and yoga routine if she chose the convenience of horseback riding over trekking the 12 km distance from the base camp at Katra. Social media users flooded the comments section, expressing their disapproval of her actions. One user questioned the purpose of her fitness regime, stating, “Kya fayda itni fitness ka jab Jana kisi bezuban pe baithke he hai,” while another remarked, “Kya faayda Itna yoga karne ka climbing in a horse and going• helicopter kar lete isse achcha.”
Shilpa Shetty’s visit to the Vaishno Devi temple comes in the wake of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) seizing assets worth Rs 98 crore belonging to her and her husband, businessman Raj Kundra, in connection with a cryptocurrency scheme.
The controversy surrounding the ED probe has further fueled criticism directed at the actress for her choice of transportation during the temple visit.
Despite the backlash, Shilpa Shetty continues her spiritual pursuits, recently visiting the Kamakya Temple in Assam to offer prayers. However, her husband Raj Kundra was notably absent from the temple visit. The ED’s probe into Raj Kundra’s assets, including properties worth Rs 97.79 crore, adds to the ongoing scrutiny faced by the celebrity couple.