In a recent episode of the popular talk show “Koffee with Karan 8,” Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt opened up about her experiences as a mother to her daughter, Raha Kapoor. Joined by fellow actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, Alia shared heartfelt insights into her journey of motherhood.
During the conversation with host Karan Johar, Alia expressed her profound love and admiration for her daughter, describing her as the “sunshine” and “light” of their lives. She fondly recounted moments of joy spent with Raha, including their favorite pastime of playing “Where’s Raha,” a game where the toddler points to herself when asked.
Alia further shared the delight she finds in observing her daughter’s development and interactions. She revealed that she often spends quiet mornings bonding with Raha, discussing feelings and aspirations for her child’s future.
Moreover, Alia spoke about the strong bond between her husband, actor Ranbir Kapoor, and their daughter. She described Ranbir as deeply in love with Raha, actively participating in her care and expressing a desire to be involved in every aspect of her life.
The candid conversation on “Koffee with Karan 8” offered fans a glimpse into Alia Bhatt’s role as a devoted mother, showcasing the profound love and joy she finds in her relationship with her daughter, Raha.