In a surprising turn of events within the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), uncertainty looms over Jonathan Majors’ portrayal of Kang, the supervillain, and a potential replacement may already be on the horizon. Following Majors’ departure, reports are circulating that Colman Domingo, a Golden Globe award-winning actor, is emerging as a strong contender for the role, although Marvel Studios has not officially confirmed this speculation.
Originally slated to lead in the upcoming film ‘Avengers: The Kang Dynasty,’ Majors faced setbacks due to legal troubles, including charges of assault and harassment, resulting in his removal from the role. The online community has taken notice of the rumor surrounding Domingo, with fans expressing support for his potential casting. Domingo’s popularity, particularly from his role as Victor Strand in ‘Fear the Walking Dead,’ has contributed to the positive reception.
Despite the unverified nature of the information, the rumor has gained traction, and fans are hopeful about Domingo’s suitability for the role. Having recently concluded his tenure on ‘Fear the Walking Dead,’ Domingo’s schedule is open for new projects.
The decision on Domingo’s potential casting hinges on Marvel Studios’ choice to retain Kang in the MCU. The unresolved storyline of the character, especially post-Loki Season 2, raises questions about Kang’s involvement in future Avengers sequels. The highly anticipated film, tentatively titled ‘Avengers: The Kang Dynasty,’ is set for release on May 1, 2026, with Michael Waldron penning the script.
In the wake of Majors’ MCU exit, speculation arose regarding other actors for the Kang role, including ‘Star Wars’ actor John Boyega. However, Boyega took to Twitter to dismiss these claims, leaving the field open for potential candidates like Domingo.