Malavika Mohanan, the acclaimed actress known for her impeccable style, recently set the fashion world abuzz with her stunning saree ensemble. Sharing captivating pictures on her social media, the ‘Christy’ star adorned a vibrant yellow silk satin saree, elevated by intricate gota detailing along the border. The blend of traditional elegance and modern flair was evident in her choice of a sleeveless blouse.
Adding a touch of tradition, the gota detailing on the border beautifully complemented the contemporary twist of the sleeveless blouse. Malavika opted for Indian accessories, including large jumkhas and gold-toned bangles, enhancing the regality of her overall look. Her polished appearance featured kohled eyes, dewy makeup, and middle-parted open hair, completed with a graceful bindi.
Embodying timeless elegance and poise, Malavika effortlessly carried the saree, perfect for the festive season with its joyful yellow hue. The pictures showcased her radiant look, capturing the essence of celebratory vibes. Malavika Mohanan, an avid social media user, frequently shares glimpses of her looks and workout sessions.
In other news, Nayanthara showcased her airport style, donning a black kurta set upon her arrival in Mumbai. On the professional front, Malavika Mohanan’s upcoming project is ‘Thangalaan.’