Renowned Bollywood actor Aamir Khan’s daughter, Ira Khan, tied the knot with Nupur Sikhare earlier this year, in a splendid wedding ceremony that seamlessly blended Maharashtrian and Christian traditions. The event, marked by an atmosphere brimming with joy, love, and familial bonds, captivated hearts with its grandeur.
A recent Instagram post by Nupur Sikhare has stirred emotions across social media platforms, featuring a touching moment between Aamir Khan and his daughter’s mother-in-law, Pritam Sikhare.
In the shared video, Pritam Sikhare, mother-in-law of Ira Khan, takes center stage, delivering heartfelt blessings and expressions of love for the newlyweds. Interwoven with unseen footage from the wedding, the video provides glimpses into the cherished moments shared by the families, including heartwarming scenes featuring Aamir Khan, Reena Dutta, and Kiran Rao.
Pritam’s speech resonates with sincerity as she speaks warmly about her bond with Nupur, expressing gratitude for their connection and emphasizing trust and mutual respect. She also praises Nupur’s character, affirming her support for her son’s happiness.
The highlight of the video comes in the form of tender moments between Aamir Khan and Pritam Sikhare. Aamir’s embrace of Pritam after her speech and their shared dance on the wedding floor underscore the depth of their bond and add to the overall sentiment of joy and celebration surrounding the union.