In the aftermath of the Laal Singh Chaddha disappointment, Aamir Khan is back in action as he gears up to start filming for the RS Prasanna-directed remake of the Spanish film Campeones (2018). Originally slated to begin shooting, Aamir Khan took a hiatus from acting, leading to rumors of the role being considered by Salman Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, and Farhan Akhtar. However, recent reports indicate that Aamir Khan has reclaimed the lead, with shooting scheduled to commence on January 29, 2024.
According to sources, Aamir Khan is actively involved in casting decisions for the film, which is set to kick off in Mumbai before transitioning to an outstation location for the second schedule. Campeones, a sports drama, centers around the transformative journey of a coach who trains a team with intellectual disabilities.
Recently returning to Mumbai after being rescued from floods in Chennai, Aamir Khan’s temporary relocation to Chennai was driven by his commitment to supporting his mother, Zeenat Hussain, who was undergoing medical treatment in the city following a recent heart attack. The actor, captured in a viral photo with the rescue team, is now back and ready to immerse himself in his upcoming film project.