In an exciting development, director Abbas A Rahmath is set to make his debut with the film “Fight Club,” featuring an ensemble cast including Vijay Kumar, Monisha Mohan Menon, and Avinash Raghudevan. The journey of bringing this project to life began in 2014 and gained momentum during the collaboration on “Uriyadi 2” in 2016.
As Abbas elaborates, the film delves into the intricate facets of the lives of youngsters, exploring themes of livelihood, rivalry, and friendship. Drawing from his experience as an assistant director on both “Uriyadi” installments, Abbas emphasizes that “Fight Club” is a coming-of-age narrative that resonates with the daily struggles of young individuals. The storyline navigates through the exploitation faced by youngsters for personal gains and highlights the profound impact that early mistakes can have on their families and social circles.
The film’s musical score is orchestrated by the talented Govind Vasantha, while the cinematography is expertly handled by Leon Britto. With its relatable narrative and a stellar cast, “Fight Club” is poised to connect effortlessly with the younger audience, shedding light on their experiences, challenges, and the ripple effects of their choices.
Closing: “Fight Club” promises to be a cinematic exploration of the tumultuous journey of youth, capturing the essence of their struggles, relationships, and the profound consequences of pivotal moments. With a compelling storyline, talented cast, and skilled crew, Abbas A Rahmath’s directorial debut is eagerly anticipated in the film industry.