Renowned Emmy-winning actor Andre Braugher, celebrated for his iconic roles in “Homicide: Life on The Street” and “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” passed away on Monday at the age of 61, as confirmed by his publicist Jennifer Allen to Variety.
Born in Chicago, Braugher gained widespread recognition with his breakthrough role in the 1989 film “Glory,” where he starred alongside Morgan Freeman and Denzel Washington, who earned an Oscar for his performance. Despite this success, Braugher faced challenges in Hollywood’s limited opportunities for African American actors, as he candidly expressed in a 2019 interview with The Associated Press.
Braugher solidified his acting prowess with the role of Det. Frank Pembleton in “Homicide: Life on the Street,” a gritty police drama based on a book by David Simon. The show, which ran for seven seasons on NBC, showcased Braugher’s talent and set the stage for his diverse career.
Later, he ventured into comedy with a notable role as Capt. Ray Holt in the Andy Samberg-starring Fox series “Brooklyn Nine-Nine,” which enjoyed an eight-season run from 2013 to 2021.
Throughout his remarkable career, Braugher secured two Emmy Awards from a total of 11 nominations. He was married to his “Homicide” co-star Ami Brabson for over 30 years, and the couple had three sons.
The news of Braugher’s passing was initially reported by Deadline, marking a somber moment for the entertainment industry and fans alike.