Actor Ahan Shetty, who made his debut with ‘Tadap’ backed by producer Sajid Nadiadwala, is set to return to the big screen after a gap of nearly three years. Nadiadwala has roped in Shetty for his second film titled ‘Sanki’, where he will star opposite Pooja Hegde. The screenplay is penned by Rajat Aroraa, known for films like ‘The Dirty Picture’, ‘Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai’, ‘Kick’, and ‘Gabbar is Back’. The movie will be directed by debut directors Adnan A. Shaikh, who worked on ‘Baaghi 2’ and ‘3’ and ‘Heropanti 2’, and Yasir Jah, known for ‘Heropanti 2’, ‘Baaghi’, and ‘Shubh Mangal Savdhan’. ‘Sanki’ is scheduled to release on Valentine’s Day in 2025.
ETimes has exclusively learned that Ahan Shetty has been undergoing rigorous training for his role in ‘Sanki’. He has been dedicating almost 5 hours daily to his workout regime. A source revealed, “With this film, one will get to see a 2.0 version of Ahan. He has been spending hours at the gym to get into a particular shape and has also been practicing yoga to maintain his flexibility, which will aid him in the film’s action sequences and help maintain a clear mind. Ahan is also a sports enthusiast, particularly in cricket and football, and he has been integrating his workouts with game sessions to keep his body in a constant state of shock and responsive to the workouts. Additionally, he has been following a strict diet for the film.”
Last December, ETimes was the first to report that Sajid Nadiadwala and Ahan Shetty were collaborating for their second project. Currently, Ahan has locked in four projects for himself, and announcements are expected to be made in due course.