Actors Aishwarya Rajesh and Bhavana Menon have been confirmed to star alongside Dhananjaya and Shivarajkumar in the upcoming film “Uttarakaanda,” the film’s production team announced. Aishwarya Rajesh will be paired with Dhananjaya, while Bhavana Menon will team up with Shivarajkumar in this Rohit Padaki directorial.
Yogi G Raj, from the film’s production house, commented on the casting decisions, stating, “After careful consideration, we finalized both our heroines. Aishwarya has won over audiences with her exceptional acting skills, and we were looking for someone who would complement Dhananjaya’s character. Bhavana’s role demanded someone with elegance and maturity, and she fits the role perfectly. We are thrilled to have two talented actresses join our film, which already boasts a stellar cast of great performers.”