Celebrated actress Aishwarya Rajesh marked her 34th birthday on January 10, and in honor of the occasion, the creators of the highly anticipated film ‘Ajayante Randam Moshanam’ unveiled a special character poster featuring the talented star. Renowned for her versatile roles, Aishwarya Rajesh steps into the character of Chothi in the upcoming Tovino Thomas starrer.
In the unveiled character poster, Aishwarya Rajesh is elegantly draped in an earthy saree, adorned with indigenous jewelry, adding an authentic touch to her portrayal of Chothi. Tovino Thomas, the lead actor of the film, took to social media to launch the captivating poster and extended heartfelt birthday wishes to Aishwarya Rajesh. Thomas expressed, “In the glow of the spotlight, destiny unveils its beloved creation, Chothi. As the stars align to celebrate the birth of both art and artists, we wish the incomparable Aishwarya Rajesh a year as radiant as her on-screen magic. Happy birthday to the soul of our story! #CharacterReveal#HappyBirthdayAishwarya #ARMtheMOVIE #ARMYear.”
‘Ajayante Randam Moshanam,’ directed by Jithin Laal, boasts a substantial budget and features Tovino Thomas in a triple role. The film intricately weaves through three distinct timelines: 1900, 1950, and 1990. Tovino Thomas dedicated himself to mastering horseback riding and martial arts for his diverse roles in the film. A high level of anticipation surrounds the release, with the actor expressing optimism for the project.
In a surprise revelation, Aishwarya Rajesh, while playing a modest yet pivotal role, adds depth to the ensemble cast of ‘Ajayante Randam Moshanam.’
Additionally, in related news, the film ‘Nadikar Thilakam’ has concluded filming, with a behind-the-scenes video released to offer audiences a glimpse into the production. Tovino Thomas continues to make headlines, recently sharing a gym encounter with cricket icon Muttiah Muralitharan, showcasing the actor’s multifaceted interests and engagements beyond the realm of cinema.