In the latest development, Bollywood actor Ali Fazal, who recently made headlines for joining the cast of Rajkumar Santoshi’s upcoming directorial venture, ‘Lahore 1947,’ has shared a nostalgic throwback picture on his Instagram. The photograph captures a significant moment from his first meeting with renowned American actor and producer Robert De Niro.
Taking to his Instagram handle, Ali Fazal expressed his excitement by posting an old picture featuring himself alongside producer Robert De Niro. The ‘Fukrey’ star recounted his fanboy moment, highlighting how he usually shies away from seeking autographs and taking photos with admired personalities. In this instance, it was Dia Mirza who encouraged and facilitated the memorable meeting.
Sharing the throwback photo, Ali Fazal expressed gratitude to Dia Mirza in his caption, stating, “#Throwback to the first time I met him. God, I remember how you, @diamirzaofficial, took me there. I can’t thank you enough. I was too shy to ever step into a room to take autographs and photos with people I admire. I’m still very socially awkward when I have to play myself. Lol. But to greatness and its infection.”
In other news, Ali Fazal is set to star in Rajkumar Santoshi’s upcoming film, ‘Lahore 1947,’ which will be produced under the banner of Aamir Khan’s production house. The movie also features Bollywood stalwarts Sunny Deol and Preity Zinta in lead roles.